Mud Wrestling

Mud Wrestling, 2009
Performance, installation
Pool, mud, video
Location: Bratislava City Gallery, Slovakia
Photos by Marián Ravasz

“The collaboration of Martin Piaček and Ilona Németh dates back to 2009, when they held a joint exhibition at the City Gallery in Bratislava. The show was inspired by the continuous deterioration of Slovak-Hungarian relations – primarily in the field of politics and media. The Hungarian and the Slovakian artist started a conversation and a collaboration. The result of their cooperation is a statue by Martin Piaček inspired by the Benes decrees and a performance by Ilona Németh entitled Mud Wrestling and its presentation in the form of a video installation. In her work, the artist commented on contemporary political culture, introducing the notion of “political mud wrestling” to the context of the Slovak language.” []

Location: Prague Biennale 5, Microna, Praha, Czech Republic
Video by Peter Barényi