
Handiwork, 2006

200 x 550 x 600 cm
Crochet iron plate, iron
In cooperation with Marián Ravasz
Photos by Marián Ravasz, Marko Horban, Csaba Czibula

Handiwork, 2006
Lightbox, video

In cooperation with Csaba Czibula, Marián Ravasz

Donaumonarchie Project

Gyula Szabó, 2006
Middle of Europe, 2006

240 x 500 cm
Photos by Marián Ravasz

“I was born in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, went to school in Czechoslovakia, married in Hungary, live in Slovakia. I have never moved out from my birthplace. Szabó Gyula

(Július Szabó, October 17, 1916 – February 15, 1995, Kližská Nemá)”

DS Public Art

DS Public Art, 2006
In cooperation with: Szilvia Németh, sociologist
Public art
32 metal signs

150 x 100 cm
Metal plates, reflective adhesive foils
Location: Dunajská Streda, Slovakia
Photos by Tibor Somogyi

Optimal Space

Optimal Space, 2006
Interactive installation

50 x 50 x 50 cm
Particle board, stainless steel, glass, led lamps, measuring instruments, electronics
Location: HIT Gallery, Bratislava
Photos by Martin Marenčin

The Wall 2.

The Wall 2, 2006
Site specific installation

224 x 130 x 736 cm
Location: Modern Art Oxford, Oxford, UK

“In her first UK exhibition, artist Ilona Németh will transform the lower gallery space at Modern Art Oxford with her mysterious mud-brick installation, The Wall. Visitors will walk through the partially enclosed structure, which has been constructed on site with 450 mudbricks. First exhibited in 1995 in a disused synagogue, the bricks were made with local mud and straw following a process used by the rural Romany population in Slovakia. For the Oxford exhibition, the bricks are being hand-made in the Chilterns.”

Czernowitz Austria

Czernowitz Austria, 2006

Height: 2 m
Plaster, chrome
Photos by Marián Ravasz