

November 16 – December 20, 2015
Óbudai Társaskör Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

Participating artists: Andreas Fogarasi, Andás Urbán, András Cséfalvay, Szilárd Miklós, Arnold Estefan, Attila Kispál, Evelin Ágnes Kispál, Ilona Németh

Ilona Németh and András Cséfalvay

Ilona Németh and Arnold Estefan

Ilona Németh and András Fogarasi

Ilona Németh and Miklós Szilárd

Ilona Németh and András Urbán


METOD, 2015
Interactive sound installation
In cooperation with architect Marián Ravasz and sound designer Matej Gyarfás

154 x 186 x 180 cm
Furniture panel, electronics, sound equipment
Photos by Krisztina Turna and Ilona Németh

Created with the support of Gandy Gallery, Bratislava.